Release 1.9.0
24 November 2020
New features
  • - NONE -
  • [Overall] Revap of the backend and infrastructure to be more scalable and future proof;
  • [Fits] Old fit detail has been replaced by the 'beta'-version for everyone;
  • [Fleets] Corporation bound fleets are not working correctly;
  • [MyAccount] You can now click on the Fit or Fleet name to see the detail page;
Visual enhancements
  • - NONE -
Known Issues
  • [Fits] Direct searchlink with Author will result in a empty selection, search will work properly;
Release 1.8.2
20 October 2020
New features
  • [Fits] Added the ability to import killmail fits; feature is used by zKillboard
  • - NONE -
  • - NONE -
Visual enhancements
  • - NONE -
Known Issues
  • [Fits] Direct searchlink with Author will result in a empty selection, search will work properly;
  • [Fleets] Corporation bound fleets are not working correctly;
Release 1.8.1
13 October 2020
New features
  • - NONE -
  • [Fits] Fit edit screen have been changed to the import version;
  • [Fits] Updating a fit should now work correctly;
Visual enhancements
  • - NONE -
Known Issues
  • [Fits] Direct searchlink with Author will result in a empty selection, search will work properly;
  • [Fleets] Corporation bound fleets are not working correctly;
Release 1.8.0
17 August 2020
New features
  • [Fits] Added the ability to save your new fit as the promoted fit on your public profile;
  • [Fits] Ability to filter fits based on ship class, hull and author;
  • [Fits] Added "Promoted fit" tag when a fit is promoted by the user;
  • [Fleets] Search for fits was working incorrect, your hidden fits could not be added;
Visual enhancements
  • [Fits] Changed the import screen to be more guided;
Known Issues
  • [Fits] Direct searchlink with Author will result in a empty selection, search will work properly;
Release 1.7.6
17 July 2020
New features
  • - none -
  • Added Zenith to the EVE Versions, all submittions from 14th of July after 11:00 EVE Time will be changed
  • Added release dates in the fit detail, available for fits uploaded in the Eclipse update and later
  • Empty Low Slot tooltip was showing incorrect data.
Visual changes
  • - none -
Release 1.7.5
9 July 2020
New features
  • - none -
  • - none -
  • Fixed a bug which caused the trade tool to break
Visual changes
  • - none -
Release 1.7.4
24 May 2020
New features
  • Ability to turn off/on the Twitch-stream on frontpage (only for logged in users)
  • Ability to switch Beta Features on/off
  • Official launch of the fitting beta screen
  • none
  • Edit-action to edit Fleets in My Account was redirected to the wrong URL
Visual changes
  • - none -
Release 1.7.3
15 May 2020
New features
  • Guide system integration
  • none
  • none
Visual changes
  • Frontpage has been redesigned
Release 1.7.2
20 April 2020
New features
  • none
  • Updated the fit statistics to match the Surgical Strike-update
  • none
Visual changes
  • none
Release 1.7.1
30 March 2020
New features
  • Ability to share search link
  • Added modification date to fits
  • We removed the “My EVE” interface and replaced it with a brand new “My Account” interface
  • Changed the behavior of the EFT importer to accept “invalid” formats
  • none
Visual changes
  • Footer has been rebuild to contain a bit more info
Release 1.7.0
12 March 2020
New features
  • New fitting screen (beta)
  • Updated the ESD to the latest version
  • Ability to create some ESD files from ESI
  • Version bump of Microsoft .NET Core framework
Visual changes
  • New header and mainmenu
  • New fitting screen as beta
Release 1.6.3
2 Februari 2020

From version 1.7.0 we will add the changelog for every upcoming version!

  • [NEW] Notifications;
  • [NEW] Transfer your fit;
Release 1.3.0
5 June 2019

This update is introducing new features for streamers of EVE Online

  • [NEW] Ability to link EVE Workbench to your Twitch account;
  • [NEW] While streaming it will show the active stream on your public profile;
  • [NEW] Public Profiles list;
  • [ENH] Minor tweaks and fixes;
Release 1.2.0
20 April 2019
  • [ENH] Changed the import/read methods for the EFT importer;
  • [ENH] Better PyFa support when exporting fitting to EFT;
  • [ENH] Loading all slots correctly on the website;
  • [NEW] Fitting embedable script and API;
Release 1.1.2
8 April 2019
  • [NEW] Ability to edit and remove your fittings;
  • [ENH] Display enters in fitting comments and notes;
  • [ENH] Minor tweaks and fixes;
Release 1.1.1
6 April 2019
  • [NEW] Up and Down-vote ability in fittings;
  • [ENH] Minor tweaks in the fitting detail;
  • [ENH] Minor tweaks in the user settings;
Release 1.1.0
3 April 2019
  • [NEW] Added EVE Online SSO;
  • [NEW] Added the ability to import your EVE Online Fittings;
  • [ENH] Enhanced the EFT import functionality;
  • [ENH] Login is now mandatory to import EFT fittings (to reduce spam);
  • [ENH] Changed the loader in the tradetool;
  • [FIX] Fixed a sorting issue in the market when browsing through buy orders;
Release 1.0.8
3 March 2019
  • Added Fittings to EVE Workbench
Release 1.0.4
26 February 2019
  • Added the "Trade Tool"
  • Bumped the version to 1.0.x.x since the website is live
  • Added Redis to ensure most data is cached
  • Fixed a few small issues in the typeahead
  • When you search in the typeahead and press Enter it will grab the first item
26 February 2019
  • Added multiple tabs on the market overview (SELL & BUY)
  • New UI, removed the default style of Bootstrap
  • You can browse the market using the statistics on the frontpage
  • Added the total volume (m3) to the market overview